
We strive to offer innovative solutions for website and app development that expand your business capabilities. Bring your digital idea to life!
Customized digital solutions for your business success
Our clients reviews
"The ICT team has a lot of experience and knowledge in their field, and they are always ready to give valuable advice that helps improve the final result. We definitely recommend them to anyone looking for a reliable partner for creating a website or other IT solutions." - Daina Ļustika
AS "Pirmais Slēgtais Pensiju fonds"
"The design of the and portals was prepared in accordance with business requirements and company "brandbook" identity was observed. The work was carried out qualitatively and professionally, and mutual communication on the progress of the work was provided during the project." - Ilze Šīmane
SIA "Clean R"
Vēlos pateikt paldies par sadarbību visa pagājušajā gadā garumā ICT uzņēmumam par kopīgu darbu pie risinājuma izstrādes zobārstniecības klīnikām, zobu kartēm un vizuālo diagnostiku. Sadarbība bija veiksmīga, produkts jeb aplikācijas risinājums izstrādāts termiņos un budžetā, izstrādāts ērts, viegli lietojams, intuitīvs un kuru katru dienu vairāk un vairāk izmanto ārsti un cits medicīnas personāls sava ikdienas darbā. - Aukseklis Sarkans
SIA "DoctoWell"
"Working with ICT in developing the project has proven successful as their professional approach and experience help to identify potential issues that we did not initially anticipate. The ability to adapt and deeply understand the specific needs of the project - in my opinion, these words perfectly characterize them." - Gustavs Garaissils
SIA “Mācību centrs Liepa”
"We are definitely satisfied with the cooperation - the main system works, communication is prompt, the work is done well. Optimal solutions are selected for the needs, which would be both convenient to use and financially advantageous." - Linda Riekstiņa-Šnore
SIA "Snores brand Ette Tete"